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В прошлом номере мы подробно рассказывали о визите наших новых «проектных» друзей из Дании и Франции. А вот какую историю прислал нам Пребен, преподаватель из Роскильда, который понравился нашим девушкам (Пребен понравился, не город…Нет, город, конечно, тоже понравился…) больше, чем датские юноши

Once upon a time in Latvia

Once upon a time a group of travellers from different parts of the world set out to find new land, new friends, and new experiences. One group travelled east, another group north east, to find a huge country of forests and farmland. The inhabitants spoke a very strange language. Beautiful, but different. The first day they were surprised to see so many beautiful women gathered in one place. Old houses and friendly inhabitants met them whereever they walked. They were anxious to discover new things the days to come.

The next morning they were picked up by a couple of very nice and beautiful women, who spoke as well the native tongue as the travellers more international communication language. They were determined to impress the strangers and decided to show their old and interesting capital. They were not all of the time too precise, when the strangers asked them about special buildings, their age, and style, but this was accepted by the strangers as a courtesy to their new hosts. Later on the same day the two women took them to their own town far away. They arrived the same evening. Tired, but very curious.

The next morning they were greeted with a fantastic presentation of many young people from the local tribe. They sung and danced. Even the mentors for the young people decided to participate in presenting their local culture to the strangers. Later that day they met with the local king who welcomed them with a long and very interesting speech, explaining the local rules and regulations. It was easy for the travelling parties to feel very much at home. Their hosts took them to see their town and sacred places. They found many similarities with sacred places from their own countries. And all in all they were surprised to find so many things of equal interest to the young travellers, all though a couple of the travellers were dressed in special headgear. The young people enjoyed themselves and shared a lot of interests. The following days their hosts showed them the local area outside their hometown and friendships were established. The travellers saw many beautiful and strange things, but more important than that remembered all the things they had seen and had to reflect on.When they had been together with their hosts for 4 days they decided to return to their own countries and tell about all the strange things they had seen, and all the friendships they had established for years to come.

After a very touching goodbye the two travelling parties returned to their own countries and in good mood.

Written by Preben Sauerberg (Danmark)

22.05.2007 , 18:13

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